Tips for Dealing with Oral Thrush
As with any other medical condition, only your healthcare provider can properly diagnose and treat oral thrush. These tips are not intended to provide medical advice, so be sure to talk to your healthcare professional about your symptoms and ask if Oravig® is right for you.
1. | Take any anti-fungal medication you’re prescribed exactly as your dentist or doctor tells you to. |
2. | Don’t smoke. If you do, seek a program to help you quit smoking. |
3. | Good oral hygiene practices are important, such as brushing your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily. |
4. | People who use inhaled corticosteroids may be able to reduce the risk of developing thrush by washing out the mouth with water after using an inhaler. |
5. | If you have an underlying medical condition associated with oral thrush, such as diabetes or compromised immune system, do your best to keep it under control. |
6. | If you wear dentures, it is important they are kept clean, fit properly and taken out prior to going to bed. |
7. | Avoid hot and spicy foods and drinks as they can irritate and prolong the healing process. |
8. | Maintain good blood sugar control if you have diabetes. |
9. | Avoid caffeine and alcohol; both can increase dryness. |
10. | Keep your mouth moisturized with water or saliva substitute, as a dry mouth provides opportunity for oral thrush to grow. |